Anadrole 50


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Anadrole 50

Greetings to all readers who advocate for a healthy lifestyle! Today's topic will concern the field of pharmacology, or rather the drug Oxymetalon, which has several varieties. Below we will discuss its properties, rules of application, side effects, contraindications, etc., and also find out how effectively it accelerates the growth of muscle mass.

What is this medicine and what is it used for?

Oxymetholone is a popular steroid among athletes that stimulates the production of the hormone erythropoietin and improves the formation of hemoglobin. In a nutshell, this substance, thanks to its high anabolic properties, allows athletes to quickly gain weight, increase strength and even heal injuries.

Description and a brief history of the appearance.

The steroid Oxymetalon first saw the world in 1959, when Syntex Pharmaceuticals invented it to treat ailments caused by an unbalanced red blood cell (oxygen-carrying cells). It is synthetic in nature and has many different names: Oxydex, Anapolon, A 50, etc.

Terms of sale

Anadrol (oxymethalone itself) is considered a fully approved drug and is most often sold in pill form. It has many names and different manufacturers, so shopping is easiest to do by ordering through a store or online. This does not require any prescription, but before the course it is necessary to properly study the instructions for use in order to achieve the maximum effect and reduce the likelihood of side effects.

How does it affect the body?

The steroid profile of this drug is no different from its analogues (Turinabol, Winstrol, Deca, etc.) and has a greater effect on the musculoskeletal system. In addition, it accelerates all metabolic processes, thus increasing the effectiveness of training.In short, the muscles receive the same load but recover faster and the risk of injury is reduced. This will allow you to achieve rapid weight gain.

pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

Anapolon is a strong anabolic, that is, the substance that improves metabolism, and also accelerates the formation of new cells, the synthesis of hemoglobin and activates bleeding.

  • First of all, this drug creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of collagen, which makes the musculoskeletal tissue more elastic, and, accordingly, allows it to withstand increased loads.
  • Along with an increase in body weight, Anapolon activates other systems that increase the level of water and fat, such as nutrients in the body, which is also taken into account in the actual weight.
  • When taken by women, Anadrol 50 has an effect on the production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which affect the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and sexual development and, consequently, can cause abnormalities in the functioning of the body.
  • Another feature of such reinforcements is systematic, that is, the use of the course. For this reason, it is extremely difficult to maintain the results (weight, strength, etc.) after the end of the course, and a sharp drop is also possible when changing the drug from pharmacology or diet.

    release form

    True Oxymetholone is only produced in two forms: 50mg tablets and injections. Unlike the latter, the formular is the most common and is usually sold on websites or in sports nutrition stores. The approximate price of such a drug varies depending on the size of the package. It is unrealistic to find it in vials as they are produced in small quantities only for those who cannot take pills for whatever reason.


    If we talk about anabolic substances, it is important to take into account the active capacity. It manifests itself with Oxymetalon, which is of synthetic origin.That is, its molecule in the preparation is the main active element that affects the dough. All others are considered auxiliary and necessary for assimilation. In a nutshell, Oxymethalon is both the name of the drug and the substance it is made from.

    benefit and harm

    Specifying the positive characteristics of anabolic steroids and their disadvantages, it can be concluded that they are the same as other similar substances. Among the advantages are the following.

    • Good relief from the body in a couple of months.
    • Increased strength and reduced risk of injury.
    • Quick recovery after exercise.
    • Acceleration of metabolic processes.

    Against the background of these significant advantages, there are also disadvantages that already affect the state of health.

    • The main drawback is the violation of the production of testosterone naturally.
    • Imbalance in metabolic processes.
    • The ability to roll back (rapid weight loss at the end of the reception).

    Oxymetholone is considered a good drug in terms of rapid physical development, but in parallel, many processes in the body proceed at an accelerated rate, disturbing the natural balance. That is, it has significant advantages and disadvantages that are opposite to each other.

    Indications and contraindications

    In some cases, it is even useful to take this medicine, since it was originally invented as a medicine. It is prescribed for patients with anemia and is also used in radiotherapy. Thanks to its properties, Oxymethalone provides a rapid recovery and return to previous life. But with the wrong approach, it can cause colossal damage to the body.

    For example, the presence of kidney problems categorically prohibits the use of drugs, since they heavily load the excretory system. Also, this steroid is not recommended for athletes with low blood pressure and liver disorders, and even more so for pregnant women.In general, if we can correctly assume that anabolic steroids are the least harmful for a healthy and resistant body.

    Possible Side Effects

    After taking Oxymetalone, third-party symptoms may occur.

    • The most significant negative effect is on the liver, since it is a natural filter and passes all foreign substances through itself.
    • The manifestation of male character traits in women (harsh voice, raised body, bulging veins, etc.).
    • Muscle spasms (seizures).
    • Feeling sick, chills, abdominal pain, digestive problems – these signs can be expressed individually.
    • Skin diseases.

    It is strictly forbidden to take Anadrol during pregnancy, even if the period is only a couple of weeks. In such circumstances, it is better to completely abandon diets and unnecessary stress, and on the contrary, take more rest and eat healthy vitamin foods.


    If you do not observe the dose of the drug while taking it, you will not fall with a slight indisposition. Overdose will cause serious disorders.

    • Obesity is an increase in body fat.
    • Breast augmentation (in men).
    • In some cases, a simple ailment (fever, abdominal pain, etc.).
    • Hypertension.
    • Prostatitis, hair loss and nervousness.

    These syndromes usually appear in those who take oxymethalone, neglecting the correct dose.

    How long is the package?

    To say how long a pack of this steroid will last, you have to take into account the size of the pack itself. On sale, these are most often found.

    • 20 pieces enough for 3 weeks.
    • 60 pieces: enough for the entire course (6-7 weeks).
    • 100 pieces: one package is designed for 3 months and 1 week.

    The manufacturer indicates these time intervals, referring to administration alone with a standard dose (1 tablet per day). Photos of packages are presented below.

    storage conditions

    Oxymetalon is recommended to be stored in the same place as all other pharmacological agents, in a place protected from moisture and light. It could be a closet or a nightstand located away from the water. Then the drug will not lose its properties.

    Date of Expiry

    The period of action of Anadrol 50 (the same Oxy) will largely depend on the packaging. If it is an injection -formulary- (in vials), its duration is generally unlimited. The same can be said for capsules. But most occur in blisters or bubbles. In the first case, the packaging guarantees a reliable seal and thus a long shelf life. But in the second, when the tablets are in the external environment, storage must be approached with caution, and all conditions (protection against moisture and light) must be observed.

    As a general rule, most steroids retain their properties for many years, since they have a synthetic base.

    How to take it well?

    It is necessary to start with the fact that any medication is taken in accordance with the accompanying instructions. Therefore, before using it, it must be carefully studied, even if it is in a foreign language. As for Oxymetalone, it is calculated based on body weight and used in 50 milligram bodybuilding tablets. Increasing the dose will not give any results, it will only harm the body.

    Method of administration and dosage.

    As mentioned above, for an adult athlete, 0.05 g of the drug per day (1 tablet) is enough. This will be enough to speed up metabolic processes and strengthen the musculoskeletal system. The time of intake does not particularly affect the result, so it can be consumed before or after meals.

    Increased doses are intended only for the treatment of diseases and are not used in the field of sports.

    Course duration

    Any steroid, regardless of dosage, is taken for a certain period of time, called a "course." In the case of Anadrol, it lasts for a month and a half or 6 weeks. That is, for 45 days, the athlete must take one tablet (50 mg) every day, combining it with a balanced diet and vigorous training.

    reception schemes

    Oxymethalon is recommended to be used in sports only during periods of intense training. The course can be isolated or combined with other drugs. This is because it improves metabolic processes, but weakly affects the glands responsible for the production of androgens (sex hormones), causing their deficiency. Therefore, to enhance the effect, hormones can be replenished from the outside, combining the reception of Oxymetalone with other means.

    how long does it take to act

    If we talk about internal sensations, then they can be heard already in the first week (an increase of 1-2 kg). As a general rule, joint pain is significantly reduced and strength is added. Muscles feel full and recover much faster.

    An externally tangible result will appear after 14 days when about half the course has passed. But for the maximum effect (8-10 kg of mass), the intake must be complete (all 6 weeks). For experimental purposes, take a photo before and after the dose and see the difference.

    What is it combined with?

    Oxymetholone is most often combined with drugs that activate the sex glands that produce hormones or already contain them in the composition. A great companion is testosterone enanthate, whose dose should be around 40 mg/day, or another agent that increases the level of sex hormones. To better understand the action of Anapolon, you can watch a video that tells about this drug.

    After course therapy.

    To restore the previous working capacity of the body, after taking the course, it is necessary to conduct PCT. The essence of the process lies in the use of a drug (for example, clomiphene), which stimulates the natural release of sex hormones and the restoration of metabolism. It is best to start therapy one week after using Oxymetalone and continue for 14 days. It is quite possible to find PCT medications in a pharmacy. Usually the standard dose is two tablets for the first week (morning and night) and one for the second week (morning only).

    How not to buy a fake?

    To buy an original drug, you need to contact the official manufacturers. They are.

    • The well-known Androlic British Dispensary is launched.
    • Golden Dragon Pharmaceuticals Manufactured by Oxiged 50.
    • Olymp Labs is a Turkish Oxymetalon.

    When shopping online, try to read site visitor reviews and product ratings.

    Also, if you follow the instructions carefully, it should contain the contact details of the manufacturer, including the phone number. If you wish, you can also call him and find out if this product is supplied to the retailer.

    What should be the packaging?

    By 2018, the manufacturer of this drug uses two types of packaging: bottles sealed with foil and ordinary ampoules. It should be noted that oxymethalone-containing products have many different names: Anadrol, Anadrolon, Oxydrolone, etc. But they are all identical and only differ in manufacturer and design.

    Fake and original what is the difference?

    It is impossible to distinguish fakes from the original with the naked eye. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the certificate. If available, it indicates compliance with the declared quality of the product. Therefore, in the absence of this purchase document, one cannot even speak.

    They often save on fakes, so you can find fault with only a cursory review. It can be blurred letters in the instructions, poorly attached labels, packaging defects, etc.

    Host Comments

    Before and after results.

    Oxymethanol has proven itself in the pharmaceutical market as it has many benefits and is the most suitable option for both novice and experienced athletes. It begins to act immediately and in a period of six weeks it is quite possible to gain 8 kg. At the same time, there are no serious complications at the end of the course.

    What do doctors and researchers say?

    Until now, few people approve of the use of boosters in general, as they disrupt the natural functioning of the body. However, doctors say that oxymetholone, compared to other anabolic steroids, has many advantages. One of them is performance. That is, the body responds very quickly to the content of this substance.

    While there are few statistically disastrous consequences, no one is immune from them. The decision about the use of the drug is made by each one for himself.


    Among the analogs of Oxymetalone, the following can be distinguished.

    • Anadrol and Anadrol 50.
    • Oxandrolone.
    • Anabol.
    • Chitosan.
    • If we talk about drugs with a similar action, we can consider Sustanon, Methane and Methyltestosterone.


    Oxymethanol is a naturally used synthetic steroid that has legal status and goes by many different names. According to experienced athletes, it actually increases body mass and accompanies strength gains, and its relatively low cost makes it more affordable. However, like all anabolic steroids, it has its side effects, which occur more often in people with a weak body. Therefore, it can only be safely taken by physically healthy people who do not have kidney or liver problems.


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