Bold 500


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Bold 500

Boldenone is the brother of "methane"

A strange thing, drugs, without which life abroad "pro" is basically unthinkable, for a long time passed over our market as a distant side. No, we certainly knew what “boldenone” is and “what it is eaten with”, but only in theory.

As for the practical application of this drug, from many points of view, unique, there was no need to talk about it sporadic deliveries of Colombian "Ganabol", not to mention its even more extravagant Spanish or Mexican counterparts, have not been allowed to create the necessary foundation. Thank God, now are more favorable times.

Purely veterinary drug

If we do not take into account the division of drugs, which is far from objective, for which there is an adequate definition in English «drug enrichment», that is, «drug enhancement» in «androgenic» and «anabolic», therefore, all AAS can be divided into two large groups: created for use in traditional ("human") pharmacology and veterinary drugs. Even here, however, the division is usually more than arbitrary: Oxandrolone, created specifically for use by "human" women and children, is successfully used in veterinary medicine, the same can be said for oxymetholone, Stanozolol, most nandrolone esters and testosterone. .

However, there are specific esters: silver laurate and phenylpropionate in the case of nandrolone or acetate in the case of trenbolone, produced solely for use in veterinary medicine. But they were created only to modify the pharmacokinetics of "human" drugs, to achieve a slower entry into the blood in the case of the first two esters (which is important for small animals) or faster in the third. Otherwise, such drugs did not differ from the usual ones.

No, obviously there is a difference in the tolerances of the purity of the manufacturing process and therefore the purity of the final product, but for the most reputable veterinary companies they do not differ much from the requirements adopted in conventional pharmaceutical establishments. Another difference is the highest permitted concentration limit for the active ingredient in veterinary drugs.

But as far as boldenone is concerned, this drug was created only, exclusively, for use in animal husbandry. By the way, due to its characteristics, which we will discuss below, it is an ideal anabolic steroid for almost all animals, from cows to dogs, despite the important differences in their metabolism. Due to these same characteristics, boldenone has proven to be very effective in strength sports, although I emphasize once again that it was created for animal husbandry, that is, to increase the mass of creatures significantly different from man in terms of metabolism. It is so beautiful that it is no longer customary to remember its "veterinary" origin in decent society.

And in order to better learn a new drug for us, let's see how it resembles already familiar anabolic steroids and how it differs from them.

Boldenone and Methandrostenolone

Already at first glance, although not very close, the molecules of methandrostenolone and boldenone undecylenate, it is seen that they are not only similar. If we drop the methyl group at the seventeenth position in the first case and the ether chain at the same position in the second, then these molecules will become absolutely identical. I must admit that this identity confused me for a long time, not only me but many experts in the field of sports pharmacology, who considered boldenone an injectable analog of "methane". In fact, this is very, very far from the truth.

The methyl group at position 17 changes the spatial structure of the methandrostenolone molecule very strongly, and just as strongly, one might say dramatically, it changes the properties of the drug. Furthermore, it should be noted that "methane" loses this same methyl group with great difficulty, in two or even three passes through the liver. Under the influence of aromatase, methandrostenolone is converted to 17-methyl-estradiol and boldenone to weaker estradiol. That is, despite the fact that, in theory, boldenone should aromatize better, the "score" of its aromatization is much lower than the "score" of "methane" itself: this is the first difference between the drugs. The second, no less important, is the almost complete inability of methandrostenolone to stabilize (activate) the androgen receptor. The culprit here, again, is the infamous methyl group.

In fact, the only thing that indicates a close relationship between boldenone and methandrostenolone is their ability to stimulate appetite. Incidentally, this makes Boldenone a desirable “participant” in mass harvest cycles, although its cheaper “brother” is much more preferable here due to a marked tendency to aromatization.

Boldenone and Testosterone

Boldenone is similar to testosterone: the difference between its molecules is only in the presence of an additional double bond between positions 1 and 2 (ring A). But this difference makes this drug universal – thanks to the aforementioned double bond, boldenone is practically not subject to the action of the enzyme 5-? reductase. Let me remind you that 5 -? reductase promotes the conversion of testosterone to the much more potent dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT not only stabilizes the androgen receptor better, but differs to some extent from testosterone in its properties. So we can say that 5 -? the reductase modifies the properties of the original substance.

Boldenone can be considered a milder version of testosterone. In fact, its behavior in the human body, to a certain extent, seems to stabilize the androgen receptor well, which have non-genomic activity.

boldenone and nandrolone

But the closest in its properties to boldenone, oddly enough, turned out to be nandrolone. With all the diversity of the molecular structure of these two drugs, both boldenone and nandrolone have approximately the same aromatization tendency (although, of course, the difference is that the conversion of nandrolone to estradiol occurs without the participation of aromatase enzyme). In addition, the androgen receptor stabilization time for these drugs is approximately the same. Many experts recommend nandrolone and boldenone as interchangeable drugs and consider that their simultaneous use is not entirely appropriate. In my opinion, this is not entirely justified, and here's why.

As you may recall, the aforementioned 5 enzyme? reductase converts nandrolone to dihydronandrolone, a much weaker substance when it comes to activating androgen receptors. That is, boldenone, which is not subject to transformation with the help of 5 -? reductase, it can be considered a priori a more potent drug than nandrolone. Also, boldenone has non-genomic activity, although not as clearly as its "brother" methandrostenolone, which is not even a trace in nandrolone. This is another benefit to the "creation of the veterinary industry."

On the other hand, nandrolone has a marked progestogenic activity, which allows it to outperform boldenone in terms of weight gain, although not as significantly.To enhance the "mass gain component" of boldenone, it is customary in veterinary practice to combine it "as part of a drug" with a substance such as methandriol dipropionate, this combination will be discussed later.

Prepared in our market

Today, there are three drugs on our market that contain boldenone undecylenate as the active ingredient. The first two can be considered analogs, they only differ in packaging and concentration of the active ingredient. These are Boldesten-50, produced in two-milliliter vials, the concentration of the active ingredient in the preparation is 50 mg/ml, and Boldesten-100, the release-formulary-here is already in a 5-ml bottle, and the concentration of the active ingredient substance the substance is 100 mg/ml. The third drug is the aforementioned combination of methandriol propionate (50 mg/ml) and boldenone undecylenate (50 mg/ml). The name of the drug is Meprobolone and it is produced in exactly the same bottles as Boldesten-50.

application practice

In principle, boldenone can also be used in "mass collection" cycles, but such use of a drug that is not subject to aromatization and has no progestogen activity may seem inappropriate. Although it is possible to achieve significant mass gains by combining boldenone with "long-acting" testosterone, for example, enanthate. Here, the boldenone property will have to increase the appetite.

But the main purpose of boldenone is "drying", although, again, do not forget the ability of the drug to increase appetite. Since it is practically not subject to aromatization and does not show progestogenic activity, in the case of its use the accumulation of water can be avoided.

Often the drug is used as a substitute for nandrolone in the second half of the cycle, it does not suppress endogenous testosterone production as much as nandrolone.An interesting property of boldenone is that it stimulates the release of erythropoietin in the kidneys, which ultimately leads to an increase in red blood cells. This property is important for representatives of those sports in which the athlete's endurance is at the forefront. However, for bodybuilders, this property is not so insignificant, if we remember that one of the mechanisms of muscle growth is based on an increase in the number of capillaries in the muscle. And the increase in vascularity, especially on the eve of the competition, is something important.

And the last. What definitely "ruins" boldenone is its extra-long, super-heavy ethereal chain. The drug is not only very slowly included in the work, but more than a third of the weight of the drug falls on the "ballast" that does not work. The inaccuracy of the existence of boldenone in the undecylenate -formulary- has been observed for a long time, but only recently have substances such as boldenone acetate and boldenone propionate begun to be synthesized. Until now, the acetate and propionate versions of this, of course, the most interesting drug, are only produced in test laboratories, but I am sure that it will not be long before boldenone acetate and boldenone propionate appear in our market.

Side effects

Boldenone has virtually no side effects, at least for men. The production of your own testosterone by the drug itself doesn't suppress much either.


Typical doses of boldenone undecylenate range from 300 to 800 mg per week. 300 mg for experienced athletes is still very little, it makes sense to stick to this dose only when combining boldenone with other androgens. The "work" can be considered a dose of about 600-800 mg of the drug. To begin with, 150-200 mg of boldenone per week can be considered an adequate dose.The same doses are acceptable for weightlifting representatives (except heavy categories) and other sports that do not impose higher requirements on the weight of the athlete.

Boldenone has a very long half-life and can be injected weekly. Also, they need to be done weekly, but not more often – this is the only way to quickly get a cumulative effect. Based on the fact that the drug is included in the work very slowly, during the first two weeks of use, the dose should be increased by one and a half to two times.

Combination with other drugs

If you still decide to use Boldenone to gain muscle mass, it is best to combine it with injections of Testosterone Enanthate or Sustanon. For "more credibility" in the mix, you can add oxymetholone.

For drying, the main "partners" of boldenone are trenbolone or stanozolol, you can use a combination of all three drugs. Experienced athletes can try "dry" and with testosterone propionate, here too the use of boldenone will be very appropriate.

Women's Request

With prolonged use of high doses of the drug, virilization phenomena may appear, that is, increased hair growth on the face and body. But this is with long-term use and high doses. Although this characteristic of the drug should not be underestimated, doses of the order of 100-200 mg per week for 4-5 weeks are unlikely to lead to virilization. It is recommended to use Boldesten-50 in this case with a lower concentration of the active substance in the solution.

A few words about methandriol

And at the end of the topic, I would like to talk about another “participant” in a complex drug called “Meprobolone”: methandriol dipropionate.

Contrary to popular belief about methandriol's exceptional anabolic abilities, it has virtually none.Also, methandriol is not an anabolic steroid, it is a prohormone, one of the forms of androstenediol. More specifically, the drug is called 5-androstene-3β-diol, better known as 5AD. At the same time, it is not known to which light hand Methandriol has been attributed exceptional anabolic abilities, comparable to the anabolic abilities of testosterone! Let's see how true such a statement can be.

To be activated, any prohormone must be converted into the hormone itself. In this case, methandriol or 5AD must be converted to testosterone and only then do they begin to act. What proportion of methandriol do you think is converted to testosterone? You'll never guess: up to 0.19%! That is, the performance of one gram of 5AD per week will be comparable to the performance of 2mg of testosterone over the same period. Tell me, have you seen many athletes gain impressive mass on two milligrams of testosterone per week? I personally have never met people like that.

What practical benefit can be derived from such a weak drug? It turns out that perhaps methandriol is an estrogen receptor agonist, that is, it exhibits estrogenic activity without converting to estradiol. As you may recall, estrogen has many beneficial characteristics for strength sports athletes: it aids in glycogen storage by cells and stimulates growth hormone and IGF-1 secretion and upregulates androgen receptors. Those taking anabolic steroids that are not affected by the aromatase enzyme, or that do not exhibit estrogenic or progestin activity on their own, are inferior to their "more advanced counterparts" for gaining muscle mass. To compensate for this lack of non-aromatizing steroids, methandriol is used.

Another useful feature of methandriol is that it partially prevents the deactivation of mesterolone (Proviron) and drostanolone, which occurs through their conversion to 5α-androstenes under the influence of the enzyme 3α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. However, in the case of drostanolone, the combined use of this steroid with methandriol will not bring any particular benefit: drostanolone is used exclusively in the "drying" stage, and methandriol has a marked ability to accumulate water due to its inherent estrogenic activity.

Methandriol also has such a useful feature – an increase in the synthesis of leukocytes. This feature of the drug will be useful for people with an increased tendency to morbidity, especially during a low-calorie diet.

The estrogenic activity of methandriol, which in a certain period will become excessive and lead to unpleasant consequences, such as excessive accumulation of water, fat deposits or even gynecomastia, cannot be overcome with the help of aromatase inhibitors (Arimidex). Estrogen receptor blockers (Clomid or tamoxifen) can help here. The drug appears to have no other "side effects."

For the estrogenic activity of methandriol to be positive and not harmful, its daily dose of 50 mg should not be exceeded. Methandriol is usually already produced in combination, as a rule, with boldenone, if it is found in its pure form, it is very rare. Taking into account the half-life of methandriol dipropionate, equal to two or three days, injections of the combined preparation should be administered exactly with this frequency (2 ml of "Meprobolone" once every two days or 3 ml once every three days ). Testosterone can also be added to the “Boldenone + Methandriol” combination, so the combined drug will be able to demonstrate its ability to increase muscle mass to a greater extent.


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