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Liothyronine (Thyroid Liothyronine T3) is one of the most important thyroid hormones, which has a fairly strong fat-burning effect on the body due to its ability to speed up basal metabolism. It is actively used in cutting cycles to gain high quality lean muscle mass.

When used correctly, thyroid liothyronine does not cause side effects and can be used in both men and women. Produced by one of the famous pharmaceutical companies ""UNIPHARMA"", which has earned a good reputation in the market. You can order the drug on our website at any time.

UNIPHARMA liothyronine is very effective in any sport where it is important to build muscle mass without accumulating fat and water. The main application is in combined cycles. This drug works equally well with most steroids, peptides, and fat burners. The optimal dose should always be selected individually, depending on the gender, age and experience of the athlete.

The average daily dose of liothyronine should not exceed 25-50 mg. The hormone must be taken in one or more doses, mainly in the morning and in the afternoon. The average duration of admission to a course is 2 to 6 weeks. It is best to combine the drug with Testosterone Propionate, Clenbuterol or Oxandrolone. Before starting the appointment, it is very important to have a complete medical examination to rule out the presence of contraindications.

T3 dose:

There are two approaches to T3 dosing:

In the first case, the objective is to achieve a constant level of fat burning or to help maintain a body composition close to the personal ideal. However, the dose of T3 can be very low, preferably 12.5 mcg per day, but in some cases up to 25 mcg per day.At a low dose, a thyroid function test does not usually show suppression, even with prolonged use. A modest decrease in function is sometimes seen with high doses, but the outcome is much better than when no T3 is taken, and the inhibited function is rapidly restored after T3 is discontinued.

In the second approach, the goal is to achieve a fairly significant increase in fat burning by deliberately suppressing thyroid function. The most preferred dose is around 50 mcg per day, but in some cases it can be increased to 75 mcg per day. It is advisable not to take these doses constantly, but only for a limited period, for example 8 to 12 weeks, even if there is no specific period of time.

By dividing the dose of T3

Since T3 has a short half-life, divided dosing is preferable to a single dose, unless the total daily dose is negligible. For example, a 12.5 mcg per day dose is best taken once in the morning, and a 50 mcg per day dose is better divided into three or four servings than all at once.


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